
You are at Day #24 and doing your


 Dialogue Building Review Exercises for Adventurous Adults: Module #05
Each review -excluding the Interactive Video when there is one-should take between 60 and 90 seconds. All over and done with in less than 10 minutes

#01. Blankety Blanks: Missing Words


You’ll need to listen very carefully here to correctly match the Questions & Answers since only AUDIO is your hint.

#02. More Blankety Blanks: Missing Sounds!

 さらなるXX空欄:欠けている音!文章を聞いて、聞こえた単語を入力してください。 次の文の空欄を埋めてください。角にいる女の子がちらっと見えましたか?彼女は世界一大きな__?__を持っています。

 Listen to the sentences and type in the words you hear.  Fill in the blank in the following statements. Did you catch a glimpse of that girl on the corner? She has the world’s biggest _____.”

#03. Even More Blankety Blanks: Missing Images

またさらなるXX空欄:欠けている画像 …一連の質問を思い出す:正しい画像を文中の空欄にドラッグ&ドロップしましょう。文章を声に出して言うのを忘れずに。

Remembering a Sequence of Questions: Drag and Drop the images into their corresponding blanks. Don’t forget to say the sentences aloud.

#04. Dictation & Vocalization

 聞き取りと発声: 聞いて、書き、そして発声し、文章を話しましょう。よく聞いて、聞こえた文章を書き留めましょう。 

 ie Listen and Write then VOCALIZE ie Speak the SentencesListen Carefully and Write the Sentences you Hear.

#05. Read and Speak!


 Read the Sentence then SAY it. Check your pronunciation. !! Read the Sentences Aloud and Check….Speaking slowly and with clear enunciation, say the words you can see.

warning give way x v

Warning! Note! Software Malfunction PossibilitY! Don’t worry if you if it keeps telling you you’re wrong.  At any rate, the DOING is more important than your RESULT. The MEANS is more important the END. You can always do the same thing @ GoogleDocs

#06. Whats the Question?


Questions, questions and more questions. YOu can NEVER ask enough QUESTIONS!!!

#07. Which is which?


Do you know your Social Media icons? And, more importantly, can you pronounce them correctly? DO it HERE!

revise recycle
revise recycle
revise recycle
revise recycle
revise recycle
revise recycle

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