Build your own Dialogues for Smart Kids: Module #03. Each review exercise (excluding the Interactive Video) should take between 60 and 90 seconds. All over and done with in less than 10 minutes
Can you recall the 4 Questions from Part 1 in Module #01? Use your Creative Imagination to remember the sentences! Drag & Drop Images then Say the Sentences. Can you remember the answers??? 😉
True or False? Right or Wrong? Easy Questions. ….but what do you remember from this module?
#04. Dictation ie Listen and Write
#04.聞き取り(別名:聞いて書く): 古いけど良いものです…スペリングに最適なトレーニングです!
An oldie but a goodie…Great training for spelling!!
#05. Read & Say the Sentence and Check your Pronunciation: OooO
#05. 文章を声に出して読み、発音を確認する: 注意深く聞いて、聞こえた文章を書き留めましょう。
Listen Carefully and Write the Sentences you Hear. The stress pattern in the these sentences is a common one ( OooO ) …Get it RIGHT and I guarantee you will feel GREAT!
#06. Give the answer to the Question. Perfect your Pronunciation
Read the answer provided by our alien friend and think of the question….Practice it a couple of times, then record it. Be CAREFUL of your PRONUNCIATION!!!