Build your own Dialogues for Smart Kids: Module #06 Each review exercise (excluding the Interactive Video) should take between 60 and 90 seconds. All over and done with in less than 10 minutes …… YAY!!!
#01. Audio /Visual Question and Image Answer: Matching Time
Do this whilst feeling the pronunciation in your mouth and tongue and lips etc; then and ONLY then press the button to speak. SPEAK LOUDLY! Read and Speak! Your pronunciation is then checked !! The Sentences have the following Stress Pattern: ooOoO
#06. Say What you Mean Mean What you Say
Mathematics, like music, is more of a universal language than English. So learn how to speak it like Einstein.
#06. MADADで復習 暗記と記憶のアクティビティ
おめでとうございます! これでBYOD4SKコースは終了しました。 the BYOD4SK Course
SAY what you MEAN and MEAN what you SAY!
If you could only correctly answer less than 50% of the above questions, you might need to think of returning to the BYOD activity. It is up to you!