Some ready-to-go activities for you to ACTION……anytime anywhere anyhow ……Essentials to help you reach your English peak……..
You are at Day 19 with Module #04
Dialogue Building Review Exercises for Adventurous Adults: Module #04 Each review should take between 60 and 90 seconds. All over and done with in less than 10 minutes
ie Listen and Write then VOCALIZE ie Speak the SentencesListen Carefully and Write the Sentences you Hear.
#05. Read and Speak!
Read the Sentence then SAY it. Check your pronunciation. !! Read the Sentences Aloud and Check….Speaking slowly and with clear enunciation, say the words you can see.
Warning! Note! Software Malfunction PossibilitY! Don’t worry if you if it keeps telling you you’re wrong. At any rate, the DOING is more important than your RESULT. The MEANS is more important the END. You can always do the same thing @ GoogleDocs
#06. Whats the Question?
Questions, questions and more questions. YOu can NEVER ask enough QUESTIONS!!!
Questions, questions and more questions. YOu can NEVER ask enough QUESTIONS!!!