
Part #2 of 4
Fluency Training

Activities to develop your creativity, confidence, fluency, memory and more through comics

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シャドーイングを通した流暢さのトレーニング(つまり、耳で聴き、繰り返し)と 創造的視覚化を通した記憶力のトレーニング。


コミックからの短い会話を聴きましょう。それぞれを繰り返し、口に出して下さい。必要に応じて、プロンプトを使用して下さい。 1)同じイントネーション、発音やそれのバリエーションを再現、 2)各フレーズを繰り返しながら、その情景を想像、 3)体の各部位で、言葉の雰囲気を感じるように心がけましょう。

Listen to the following short chunks of dialogue from the comic.Two are provided: normal and slow versions. Then, using the prompts that are provided, repeat each one.(NOTE: Use the prompts only if you need them.) Make every effort to 1) capture either the same intonation and pronunciation or a variation; 2) visualize the scene as you repeat each phrase; and 3) capture the feeling of the words in various parts of your body.

ポイント:これの目標は丸暗記ではありません。“マッスルメモリー(Muscle memory:筋肉の動きにより記憶を想起)”を鍛えあげることです。フレーズを繰り返すことで、言葉を“見て”、“聴いて”、“感じる”ことができます。口のあらゆる部位の場所を意識しましょう。言葉、フレーズ、そして、それを発する人になりましょう。感情をあなたが実感して下さい。これの実践方法に関する情報はこちらからどうぞ 

NOTE: The goal of this exercise is not rote repetition. It is to develop muscle memory. When you repeat the phrase, you should be able to "see", "hear" and "feel" the words.


Become the word, the phrases and the person saying them. Associate an image and a gut feeling or visceral emotion with the sounds of each word and phrase. Create a link between how you perceive it visually and aurally, as well as any gut feeling or visceral emotion you can generate. Some suggestions on how you might do this are here.

精神ー筋肉間のパターン化は、ひとたび神経に埋め込まれさえすれば、あなたが読み、聞き、言うことを司る、自動的な反応メカニズム生成の助けとなります。ここにあなたがこのメカニズムを作る方法を提案させて頂きます。以下の(たくさんの種類がある)1フレーズのサウンドを聞いてください:「ジョージはクロアチアのドゥブロヴニクからやってきたセルビアの難民です」 これは、『Serbian Dreamer』の始まりの一行目です。#2と#3は、自分自身の声が自然なものに聞こえるまで行う反復練習に活用して下さい。#4はちょっとした冗談です。

Such mind to muscle patterning, once neurologically embedded, allows you to develop automatic response mechanisms which give you total and absolute control over what you read, hear and say. Some suggestions on how you might do this are here. Listen to the sound bites below which are variations of but one phrase: "George is a Serbian refugee who came from Dubronik, Croatia." It is the the opening sentence of Serbian Dreamer. Sound file #1 is played at natural speed. Numbers #2 and #3 constitute examples of one thing you might want to do with your voice until the feeling is right ie play and experiment.Sound #4 is provided half tongue in cheek (からかい半分に、皮肉を込めて)half seriously.The speed and pitch of this is for only the more advanced little chipmunks.

1) 普通のスピードと普通の声の高さで話す

Normal speed and voice pitch

2) 比較的高めの裏声でゆっくりと話す(男の人向けかも...!?)

(perhaps for the guys out there...??!!) slower with a relatively high-pitched falsetto.


(perhaps for the ladies...??!!) slower with a Darth Vader feel.


Or talk like this little fellow.


Now! Find your voice, play and experiment with the following:

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Section 2.2

listenSpeak test

Memory Trigger or Prompt



1 Cool....

2 Her name was...

3 Two esp...

4 I'm a shy...

5 As I sat...

6 I didn't...

7 She wasn't...

8 I was tot...

9 I was hope...

10 Every day I...

11 The usu...

12 And it went...

13 And h..

14 The diagn...

15 Do you sm..

16 N...

17 Do you dr..

18 Since I moved...

19 Ah...

20 How many c_ps?

21 Er..four to....

22 No more cof...

23 No coff...

24 One more cof...

25 Gee r____!

26 The next day....

27 Er...a cup...

28 Two esp...


30 Nothing...

31 No heart...

32 No cold...

33 No diarr...

34 I took a ....

35 As I sat ....

36 Can I ....

37 Er s...

38 My boyfriend just....

39 What do you...

40 Er..

41 Can I have....

42 S___!

43 Here's my...

44 Think ab...

45 Tha..

46 I was quite...

47 I've bought an

icon drillr


icon drilll
banner fluthruDrill
strange drills
strange drills





Just as in carpentry, in English there are a number of drills used for different purposes. Is it into softwood you want to drill that hole? Is is concrete? Check out the following English drills to get your pronunciation up to speed. Read below for further clarification


Before you start!! know how to say each word. Also, if you don't know your IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), here and now is the time and place to start.

勉強のポイント:アクセント、強弱、 イントネーション、そして発音(ASIP練習

Pronunciation Practice Points: Stress, Accent and Intonation


1) 文章もしくはフレーズを読み、意味を確認してください。

Before you start!! know how to say each word. Also, if you don't know your IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), here and now is the time and place to start.

2) フレーズの全体を聞き、そのフレーズの発音をIPAスクリプトでそっくりそのまま確認してください。

Listen to and repeat the expression several times until you think you have caught the rhythm. Tap your feet on the floor (or your fingers on the desk) to capture the feel; become aware of what the various parts of your mouth are doing. Use the shorter chunks if necessary. Pay particular attention to the Pronunciation Practice Points.

3) リズムを身につけるまでなんども表現を大きな声で読みあげてください。(感覚をつかむために床を足で軽く叩いたり、机を指で叩いてみてください。あなたの口で発音していることを身体の他のパーツを使って体験してみてください。)必要であれば短い会話文を使ってみてください。

3) Say the expression out loud several times until you think you have caught the rhythm;(tap your feet on the floor or your fingers on the desk to capture the feel; become aware of what the various parts of your mouth are doing). Use the shorter chunks if necessary.

4) リスニングと流暢さを得るためのポイントには特に注意をしてください。

4) Pay particular attention to the Listening and Fluency Practice point.


Good Luck and Happy Training! Here is the first one done for you!

Fluency Training Drill # 1

I'm a shy guy and I hardly dared to talk to her.

aɪmə ʃaɪ gaɪ .. ənaɪ ˈhɑːdlɪ deəd .. tə tɔːk tə hɜː







トレーニングの練習ポイント!!(PPPs) Pronunication Practice Points!! PPP:

Read more on this in your free chapter of the e-book "HoloMeMe Memorization System". Click here.

Pronunciation Practice Points!!(PPPs)

PPP:#1): #1) #2を聞く。「and」の中の「d」の音が消えることにより「and I」が「ンナイ」と聞こえることに気をつけてください。

Listen to #2. Notice how the "d" in "and" disappears making it sound like "ân" and making "and I" sound like "ai".

PPP:2) #2と#3を間を空けずにすぐに聞いてください。2つの子音に注意をすることで、最初の言葉の最後と次の言葉の最初の音が合体して1つの音になることに気をつけてください。

PPP:2) Listen to #2 and #3 in quick succession. Notice how the two consonant sounds, the ending of one word and the beginning of another ("t&d" between "dared" and "to") merge into one sound.

Fluency Training Drill #1

I'm a shy guy and I hardly dared to tak to her

I’m a shy guy and I hardly dared to talk to her.
I’m a bashful guy and I hardly dared to talk to her.
I’m a timid guy and I hardly dared to talk to her.
I’m a reserved guy and I hardly dared to talk to her.
I’m a wild guy but I hardly dared to talk to her.
I’m a wild guy but I hardly dared to walk with her.
I’m a wild guy but I scarcely dared to talk to her.

Fluency Training Drill #2

As I sat there, I suddenly fell in love with her.

æzaɪ sætðeə aɪ ˈsʌdnlɪ felɪn lʌv wɪðhɜː.
Try the following drill. One word in each subsequent sentence is changed

As I sat there, I suddenly fell in love with her.
As I stood there, I suddenly fell in love with her.
As I crouched there, I suddenly fell in love with her.
As I squatted there, I suddenly fell in love with her.
As I lay there, I suddenly fell in love with her.
As I watched her, I gradually fell in love with her.
As I looked at her, I slowly fell in love with her.

PPP:3) Listen and notice how the consonant ending of a word is linked to the vowel beginning of the next word.(the "ll" in "fell" and the "i"in "in") See also PPP2 above (here: linking of "t" and "th")

Fluency Training Drill #3

And it WENt on LIKE this for SOME weeks until..

ənɪt wentɒn laɪk ðɪs fə sʌm wiːksənˈtɪl.

(See Note PPP:1.See also PPP2 above.

And it went on like this for some seconds until...

And it went on like this for some minutes until...
And it went on like this for some hours until...
And it went on like this for some days until...
And it went on like this for some weeks until...
And it went on like this for some months until...
And it went on like this for some years until...

Fluency Training Drill #4

And it WENt on LIKE this for SOME weeks until..

ənɪt wentɒn laɪk ðɪs fə sʌm wiːksənˈtɪl.

(See Note PPP:1.See also PPP2 above.

The diagnosis is obvious.
The diagnosis is so obvious.
The diagnosis is so painfully obvious.
The diagnosis is so painfully obvious here.
Your telegnosis is so painfully obvious here.
Your telegnosis is so painfully wrong here.
Your telegnosis is so painfully wrong on this.

Fluency Training Drill #5

And it WENt on LIKE this for SOME weeks until..

ənɪt wentɒn laɪk ðɪs fə sʌm wiːksənˈtɪl.

(See Note PPP:1.See also PPP2 above.

No beer at all?
No wine at all?
No spirits at all?
No alcohol at all?
No vodka at all?
No whisky at all?
No gin at all?

Fluency Training Drill #6

One more cofffee and you're dead

(See Note PPP:1.See also PPP2 above.

One more coffee and you're dead.
One more drink and you're dead.
One more beer and you're dead.
One more vodka and you're dead.
One more cake and you're dead.
One more biscuit and you're dead.
One more chocolate and you're dead.

Fluency Training Drill #7

Can I sit down with you.........?

ənɪt wentɒn laɪk ðɪs fə sʌm wiːksənˈtɪl.

(See Note PPP:1.See also PPP2 above.

Can I sit down?
Can I sit down with you?
Can I sit down with you here?
Can I sit down with you here for a moment?
Can I sit down with you here for a moment just a little while?
Can I sit down with you here for a moment just a little while so I can I rest?
Can I sit down with you here for a moment just a little while so I can I rest my feet?




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