Learn English thru Marketing (And vice versa)

Laugh As You Learn About Marketing In English

klegrant Japanese lord using hanko seal on a document s comic square
klegrant Japanese lord using hanko seal on a document s comic square

Begin your mastery of English for Marketing with 11 silly jokes that will help you remember essential marketing acronyms, vocabulary, and expressions.

We’ll also show you how to use these expressions effectively and give you plenty of opportunities to sharpen your pronunciation and speaking skills, the two main ones being a variation of shadowing/mimicking and checking how well you can pronounce words and phrases.

 Each joke will help you reinforce key marketing concepts in a memorable way. From SEO to ROI, you’ll be SERPrised at how  fast you can deepen your  understanding of essential marketing terms.

But that’s not all – you’ll also learn proper usage of each expression, ensuring you not only understand the joke but also how to apply it in real-world marketing scenarios.

Laugh as you learn, all the while levelling up your marketing game. 

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The Jokes and Activities

The Jokes (Including 3 Mouth Exercises)

Joke #1

klegrant man wearing suit hiking in forested mountains s

Have you heard this lame joke?
Click for the answer.

Ex 1.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 1.2 Check your Pronunciation

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 1.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Joke #2

klegrant organic food s comic book style bright colours d c d b b a a a

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 2.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 2.2 Check your Pronunciation

Ex 2.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

banners Ads x

Joke #3

klegrant organic food s comic book style bright colours d c d b b a a a

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 3.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 3.2 Check your Pronunciation3

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 3.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Joke #4

klegrant movie director with ACTION clapper board s comic boo c dd ec d c b b ebe

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 4.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 4.2 Check your Pronunciation3

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 3.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Joke #5

klegrant man sending email s comic book style bright colours d cc de b c de

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 5.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 5.2 Check your Pronunciation3

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 5.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Joke #6

klegrant an earthworm a centipede and a millipede s comic boo fd c e a ac e dcfd bb f

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 6.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 6.2 Check your Pronunciation3

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 6.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

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EmptyTransparent x

Joke #7

klegrant man walks into a dingy bar s comic book style bright d ae a b a efbf e a

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 7.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 7.2 Check your Pronunciation3

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 7.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

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EmptyTransparent x
MASTER ENGLISHthruWithGrandchildren

Joke #8

klegrant Woman blowing out candles on a birthday cake s comic e ec e eac d b bfcd

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 8.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 8.2 Check your Pronunciation3

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 8.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Joke #9

klegrant man in suit sitting on banks of river and he is fishin eb ee ddb e a be a b e d

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 9.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 9.2 Check your Pronunciation3

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 9.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Joke #10

klegrant a serious priest in a university lecture hall s comi bde cf d ea

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 10.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 10.2 Check your Pronunciation3

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 10.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Joke #11

klegrant A sleepingcat a man is trying to wake the cat up s co e e c d f b b b b

Have you heard this lame joke? Click for the answer.

Ex 11.1 Listen & Repeat aka Mimic

Press Pause after Question

Ex 11.2 Check your Pronunciation

See how well you can duplicate the sounds

Ex 11.3 Record And Download.

Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Watch the Video

Carefully listen to the jokes. Use the visuals as Memory Images or create your own. and be sure to do the exercise at the end
Vocabulary, Comprehension & Memory Checks

Answer the questions below to expand your vocabulary, check  your understanding and memory,  thereby enhancing both your enjoyment and understanding of the jokes.

Check Your Pronunciation

Practice asking the question until you get it right. Then record your voice and download for your personal record.

Recall Again All Punchlines and Answers

Practice asking the question until you get it right. Then record your voice and download for your personal record.

Joke#1@Question Practice

Joke#2@Question Practice

Joke#3@Question Practice

Joke#4@Question Practice

Joke#5@Question Practice

Joke#6@Question Practice

Joke#7@Question Practice

Joke#8@Question Practice

Joke#9@Question Practice

Joke#10@Question Practice

Joke#11@Question Practice

Joke#12@Question Practice

Record & Download


Record your Voice and Download for your Personal Record.

Words with Definitions in Sample Sentences

Check Some Definitions and Words in Context

Marketing Terms
Number Word/Acronym/Expression Definition Sample Sentence
1 Content marketers Professionals who create and distribute valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a target audience with the goal of driving profitable customer action. Content marketers strategically craft engaging blog posts and videos to attract and retain customers.
2 Evergreen Content that remains relevant and valuable over time, generating consistent traffic and engagement without becoming outdated. Evergreen content, like timeless articles on gardening tips, continues to drive traffic to our website long after it's published.
3 SEO The process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), ultimately driving organic (unpaid) traffic to the site. By optimizing our website for SEO and incorporating organic keywords, we've seen a significant increase in organic traffic from search engines.
4 Organic Referring to natural, unpaid methods of attracting traffic to a website, such as through search engine results, as opposed to paid advertising. Our website experienced a boost in organic traffic after we focused on optimizing our content for search engines and engaging more actively on social media platforms.
5 Impression In marketing, an impression refers to each instance a piece of content is displayed to a user, whether it's an ad, social media post, or email, regardless of whether it's clicked or engaged with. The impression left by our eye-catching ad campaign resulted in a surge of website visits and inquiries.
6 Email marketer A professional responsible for creating, managing, and executing email marketing campaigns to reach and engage with a target audience. Our email marketer's marketing campaign, featuring personalized content and exclusive offers, led to a remarkable increase in sales.
7 Spam Unsolicited or irrelevant messages sent in bulk, often via email, intended to promote products or services or to engage in malicious activities. The company's email inbox was inundated with spam messages advertising dubious products, while their website's comment section was constantly bombarded with spam links.
8 Email marketing A digital marketing strategy that involves sending commercial messages, typically to a group of people, via email to promote products, services, or events. Through careful segmentation of our customer base, we can tailor our email marketing messages to resonate with specific demographics.
9 Call to Action (CTA) A prompt or instruction designed to encourage an immediate response or specific action from the audience, such as clicking a link, filling out a form, or making a purchase. Including a clear CTA aka call to action in our social media posts prompted followers to visit our website and make purchases.
10 Segmentation Dividing a target market into smaller, distinct groups based on shared characteristics or behaviors to tailor marketing strategies and messages more effectively. By improving our website's user experience and streamlining the checkout process, we successfully increased our conversion rate.
11 SERP The page displayed by a search engine in response to a user's query, showing a list of relevant websites and other content related to the search terms. An SEO marketer's expertise in optimizing websites for search engines helped our business rank higher on SERPs, driving more organic traffic.
12 Conversion rate The percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or completing a form, out of the total number of visitors. The conversion rate of our website has significantly increased since implementing the new user interface design.
13 Social Media Online platforms and websites that allow users to create and share content, participate in social networking, and engage with others, often used for marketing purposes. Engaging with our audience on social media platforms allows us to build brand loyalty and encourages users to share our content with their networks.
14 Share The act of distributing or reposting content from one user's social media profile to another user's profile, expanding its reach and visibility within a network. After posting the new product announcement on social media, we encouraged our followers to share it with their networks to increase visibility and reach.

Possible Explanations/Interpretations
of Jokes*

A little tongue in cheek (Don’t take too seriously!)

Jokes and Explanations .....
JokeExplanation and/or Interpretation
Why do content marketers love going to the mountains? Evergreens are their favorite. This joke plays on the word "Evergreens," which refers both to trees commonly found in mountainous regions and to evergreen content, which remains relevant over time.
What do farmers market shoppers and SEOs have in common? They love anything organic. The humor in this joke comes from the wordplay on "organic." In the context of farmers market shoppers, "organic" refers to naturally grown produce, while for SEOs (Search Engine Optimizers), it refers to organic search results.
How do you get people to notice you online? You have to make an impression. Many people are familiar with the challenge of trying to stand out or be noticed online, whether it's in social media, job applications, or other contexts.This joke highlights a subtle observation about online attention-seeking behavior and advertising tactics.
Why did the marketer get fired as a film director? Weak calls to action. In marketing, a "call to action" (CTA) refers to an instruction given to the audience, urging people to take immediate action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. A film director calls "Action" to signal the start of filming.
What food do email marketers hate? Spam. This joke plays on the word "spam," which in the context of food refers to a canned meat product but in the context of email marketing refers to unsolicited or irrelevant messages sent in bulk.
I hired an earthworm, a centipede, and a millipede to do my email marketing. They’re really good at segmentation. This joke cleverly uses the marketing term "segmentation," which refers to dividing a target audience into distinct groups for targeted messaging.
An SEO marketer walks into a bar, bars, tavern, pub, public house...., Irish pub, drink, drinks, liquor, beer, alcohol… The humor involved here is a variation of the the “A man walks into a bar....” type of joke. which often involves wordplay, puns, or absurd situations and an unexpected or incongruous punchline- such as the recitation of the list of related terms .
How do SEOs celebrate birthdays? They throw SERPrise parties. The joke relies on the pun between "SERP" (Search Engine Results Page) and "surprise."
How did the marketer get a side-hustle as a fisherman? He had great hooks. This joke uses a pun on the term "hooks." In fishing, "hooks" are the curved pieces of metal used to catch fish, while in marketing, "hooks" refer to strategies or tactics used to attract customers.
Why did the priest get an extra degree in marketing? He wanted to increase his conversion rate. This joke plays on the idea of "conversion rate." In marketing, it refers to the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase.
Why did the marketer nickname his cat “The Vast Majority of Social Media,”? Because the cat doesn’t like him, follow him, or share anything. While many pet's names are in accordance with their interests, beliefs and lifestyles others might reflect a defining characteristic of the animals themselves. The humor in this joke stems from the juxtaposition of the marketer's unsuccessful social media efforts with the grandiose name given to his indifferent feline friend.

Some Important keywords & hashtags for this Activity

#online marketing #english for marketing #Marketing English #marketing english lesson #digital marketing #english for digital marketing #marketing esl #marketing efl #digital media marketing #email marketing

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