Build Your Own Dialogue Courses

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Build Your Own Dialogue English PLUS Memory Training Course

For adventurous adults, smart kids and upstanding collegians



"Think before you say anything, and don't say everything you think."

BYOD is a collection of interactive courses for improving English fluency, training your memory, creative visualization, and automatic response training (ART aka Automatic Response Training).

There are 6 mini-modules each to practice short question-and-answer dialogues. You will also use the same paradigm to create your own dialogue.

Conversations ranging from 2 to 24 lines are recorded on a wide range of themes that are useful not only for everyday conversation, but also for studying TOEIC, IELTS, Pearsons etc.


Does practice make perfect?

No, practicing does NOT make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.


Does practice make perfect?

No, practicing does NOT make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.


Does practice make perfect?

No, practicing does NOT make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Each course contains 30 lessons, each lesson lasting approx. 10 minutes including recycling/correction/reproduction exercises. All exercises are available for at least 12 months- longer if you need it.
Throughout each course, you will learn simple skills, techniques and strategies for mastering English and learn how to promote self-study - how to learn English. Follow the 4 steps below.

1) Listen/Feel/Think sentences
2) Listen and repeat, (shadowing) to improve fluency.
3) Use and memorize memory images.
4) Regularly practice the 4R self-test routine (reenact, reproduce, recycle, fix, redo).
By repeating each step as often as necessary, you will be able to comfortably recall dialogues that have been given to you, as well as dialogues that you have created yourself.

Our courses are designed to help you practice the three most neglected competencies in many language learning programs:
1) Feel English.
2) Actively memorize content.
3) Use your imagination and visualize creatively.
After completing all the exercises, you will be able to:
* build confidence
* Improve fluency
* Overcome embarrassment and hesitation
*Be more creative

A combination of the four learning modalities is recommended for all activities. 
Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Temporal

And any others you find useful.

Develop a more balanced, more flexible and ultimately more productive approach to English learning.


あなただけの対話の形をつくる シャドーイングから始めましょう。聞いて、真似るプロセスです。ここから、対話の構築へと進んでいきましょう。

誰にとっても「自分にあった対話をつくる」 自信をつけ、恥ずかしがり屋を克服し、疑念を払拭し、より創造的になりましょう。 素晴らしいインタラクティブ英語記憶力養成コース それはあなたを助けることができます

オファーは まもなく に期限切れになります

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Overview+ Qs&As
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How to Do & What You Need

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